UPDATE: Please be sure to change the petition by adding your info in the red areas, and then attach the new version to all three of the emails that need to be sent out. Also, the subject header needs to be changed before sending. Thank you.
Finally we have some direct action that we can all take.
This was sent to me last night. It is a petition that we can each add our details to and email to a large number of legislators and others. The email addresses are already pre-loaded into the three emails that you will be sent when you submit your email address on the website.
Here is the letter that was sent to me by a group of people who I have been working with for quite a while.
EHS Group
The PA Smart Meter Opt Out Petition we drafted is too long to paste in an email, we hosted it on our secure website. Directions as to how to access it, personalize it, and send it in are below.
The directions are simple, and even non techies can accomplish this easily.
Pennsylvania has rolled out smart meter deployment all across the state with absolutely no exceptions or accommodations for those of us who are sensitive to microwaves or the conducted emissions of the smart meters. There are no medical opt outs whatsoever. Some have been forced to move out of state rapidly, leaving their communities, their jobs, their physicians, their friends, family and support systems. Others, who were able to, have gone off grid.
Some of us suffer from electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and have eliminated all wireless technology in our homes out of necessity. Some of us suffer from cancer, heart arrythmias, diabetes or neurological disease, conditions which are known to be aggravated by wireless devices.
Some of us were so sickened by smart meters on our homes, we were forced to file lawsuits against our utilities in the Pennsylvania Public Utilities (PA PUC) court.
However, once the PA PUC dismisses our cases after full blown hearings (they have ruled against every single one of us so far, stating that the utility witnesses who testified that smart meters can’t harm anyone are more credible than we are, more credible than our physicians who testified on our behalf, more credible than world famous experts in non-ionizing radiation, and more credible than experts in smart meter technology and conducted emissions, who have testified on our behalf.
We are fighting for our lives here. The PA PUC refuses to grant us accommodations on our own homes from smart meter electromagnetic radiation. The state Governor refuses to help. The state Attorney General refuses to help. The State Legislature and Senate have introduced smart meter opt out bills for the past several years, but the House bills have sat in a committee chaired by a representative whom the utility industry has influenced with campaign contributions and family employment.
The PA state legislature has only a few days left in its current session, and at least one EHS Pennsylvania resident who has lost her case in PUC court against her utility has been forced, with police on her front lawn, to get a smart meter, or get their home electricity disconnected, when the temperature was in the 90s for weeks on end.
You do NOT have to live in Pennsylvania. Anyone can send in testimony or a very simple statement of support (see below).
This is an urgent plea for help. Please help us to remain safe in our own homes.
A victory in Pennsylvania is of utmost importance, allowing us to have smart meter opt outs, as all other states (now numbering 41) which have considered the matter, have done (except for Pennsylvania). It will have important ramifications for us all, making it easier for those who live where the issues of accommodations for the disabled have not been addressed, to introduce similar legislation in your state, and perhaps even at a national level.
We need to educate our legislators as to the biological effects of EMFs on our most vulnerable residents. What is needed now is testimony -- in numbers -- to give them the courage and support to act to protect us.
I realize how very busy everyone is, but we need each of you to send in a statement. Even if it means setting your alarm a half hour early or staying up late one night. So much harm will be done to us if this legislation is not passed.
Please click here https://www.ehs.group, which will direct you to our secure website.
stop smart meters pa
Smart meter technology is relatively new and untested. We are being used as the guinea pigs. Fortunately there are many people researching and providing information about their effects on us. This blog is an attempt to provide resources about the meters as well as information specific to Pennsylvania. Use the links in the sidebars to find informative websites, videos, studies and articles that I have found to be helpful, as well as information specific to PA residents.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Smart Meter Case Testimony Before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Smart Meter Case Testimony Before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission:
What No One Wants to Acknowledge About EMF Damage
Part 1: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/11/smart-meter-case-testimony-pennsylvania-public-utility-commission-no-one-wants-acknowledge-emf-damage.html
Part 2: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/11/smart-meter-case-testimony-pennsylvania-public-utility-commission-no-one-wants-acknowledge-emf-damage-part-2-4.html
Part 3: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/11/smart-meter-case-testimony-pennsylvania-public-utility-commission-no-one-wants-acknowledge-emf-damage-part-3-4.html
Part 4: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/11/smart-meter-case-testimony-pennsylvania-public-utility-commission-no-one-wants-acknowledge-emf-damage-part-4-4.html
What No One Wants to Acknowledge About EMF Damage
Part 1: http://www.activistpost.com/
Part 2: http://www.activistpost.com/
Part 3: http://www.activistpost.com/
Part 4: http://www.activistpost.com/
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Council to address Monroeville residents' smart meter concerns
Monroeville officials plan to reach out to the state Public Utility Commission after hearing residents' concerns that smart meters measuring electrical usage may be a health hazard and a cause for other concerns.
A state law requires utilities to install the new electronic meters for customers.
But residents urged council at separate meetings this month to help stop utility companies from installing the meters.
“We're looking into it and looking into what the smart meters are really all about,” Mayor Greg Erosenko said Monday. “We heard from some residents and have (our) solicitor looking on his end.”
The issue was first brought up by resident Francis Hriadil at council's Oct. 6 workshop meeting. He said he has health, safety, privacy and security concerns about the meters. Critics say health concerns are rooted in the radio frequency emitted by the meters.
“I think this is a public safety issue and a serious one,” he said.
act 129,
duquesne light,
smart meters,
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Man Chains Electric Meter To Prevent Utility From Installing Smart Meter
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — It’s obvious Norbert Sliwinski of Monroeville does not want Duquesne Light to install a so-called smart meter on his property.
A lock and chain secures his old analog meter with a clear notice: “Attention Do Not Install Smart Meter.”
The retired mechanical engineer says smart meters are dangerous.
“The smart meter is not safe for the following reasons. It emits high frequency radio waves. You don’t feel them. You don’t know about them, but they can penetrate your body and they can cause health problems later on,” Sliwinski told KDKA money editor Jon Delano on Thursday.
Sliwinski says the radio waves go through concrete walls.
“My bedroom is right next door, and it will emit high frequency waves. I worry about my health and my children’s health.”
Read more and see video at this link... http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2016/09/01/man-chains-electric-meter-to-prevent-utility-from-installing-smart-meter/
Read more and see video at this link... http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2016/09/01/man-chains-electric-meter-to-prevent-utility-from-installing-smart-meter/
act 129,
duquesne light,
smart meters
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
KCMO smart meter fire sparks investigation
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Nearly every home and business in the metro have one.
Kansas City Power & Light is at the tail end of a two and a half year project to install more than 700,000 smart meters across the metro.
It's a small part of the billions of dollars utilities have invested in smart meters across the U.S.
But there are serious concerns Waverly Galbreath experienced firsthand. The burn marks are visible on his KCMO home.
A burned-out circuit board is the only remaining part of the smart meter at Galbreath's home where the July fire started.
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