Smart meter technology is relatively new and untested. We are being used as the guinea pigs. Fortunately there are many people researching and providing information about their effects on us. This blog is an attempt to provide resources about the meters as well as information specific to Pennsylvania. Use the links in the sidebars to find informative websites, videos, studies and articles that I have found to be helpful, as well as information specific to PA residents.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Radio show with PECO spokesperson... be held on Monday, July 29th, 2013 at 12:00 pm edt (noon) to 1:00 pm edt.

PECO Utility Company spokesperson Cathy Engel Menendez will be speaking about smart meters and the show will be taking phone calls. This could be a good opportunity to voice your concerns and ask questions.

215-855-8211  215-723-2116  800-355-WNPV

streaming @ 

Cathy Engel Menendez can be seen on the video at this link talking about safety concerns and installation 'quotas'.

New Safety Concerns Over PECO Meter Installations

and at this link about fires...

Fire Concerns Lead PECO To Halt Smart Meter Installations



How to listen to the show...

Click on this link...

Look for this image on the right side of the website homepage...

There are three ways to listen, depending on what your computer/device can handle. 

Click on either the iTunes,Winamp,Real,MP3 image

or the Windows Media Player image

or below those two, the link, 

which will open a new window with the radio player.
That last one may be best if you're not sure about the first two.

The links may also work from this page.



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